Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Time For a Change

You know what I love... french fries... ice cream... chocolate... sadly they don't love me back!  So we have decided to start eating "clean." Have you ever heard of this?  When I first started researching this I was convinced that I would be eating carrots and celery and hating life.  Then I found a magazine that changed my life!  Packed full of clean eating recipes and meals... absolutely beautiful!  So, I've been pouring over these recipes, writing down the ones that I love and will be adding them to our menu for the next week!  Be sure to stop by on Thursday is my "Awkward & Awesome" la-tea-da, trust me-- you won't want to me miss it!

Sunday, February 26, 2012


All the fun begins tomorrow! But first I need to get some sleep! I'm so pumped about all the great things I've got planned!! See you tomorrow!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Remodel--take 2

The blog is slowly coming together! I will be restarting the whole blog in March with at least 3 posts per week! This remodel is going to be awesome! Check back soon for more updates.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Blogging is definitely more difficult than I anticipated.  I'm going to be making some changes on the 'ol blog homestead and such.  I'm wanting to post more often and start fun things like "Awkward and Awesome," recipes, crafts, fashion, and who knows what else... but I want this to be an exciting, positive, outstanding place.  Who knows, there may even be a name change in the future too!  :) Let's do this!

See you on the flip side!
