Friday, March 2, 2012

Cast Your Vote!

Question 1: Why in the world do dogs need to be "exercised"? Oh that's right.. so they don't eat your entire house when you're not home.  Lately husband has been roller blading with Lenny, to "exercise" him, which is hilarious to watch.  But now it's time for this fur-mama to get some "exercise" time in too.  I'm having a difficult time deciding between these two options....SO!  Cast your vote: Option 1--Skateboard.  Option 2-- Roller Skates.  I will be posting a video of Lenny and I "exercising" after the votes are tallied and we have our first bonding time.  Hopefully I will not die in the process! 


  1. Roller skates babes. You will look hot on some skates. You look hot to begin with but you know that skate adds some vavaroom.
